Redes Neurais Artificiais (RNA-0019)
Ementa: Histórico, definições gerais, conceitos biológicos, propriedades coletivas emergentes e propriedades cognitivas. Estruturas básicas: perceptron, madaline; Aprendizagem, estratégias e algorítmos; Redes multi camadas; Redes auto organizáveis; Aplicações em processamento de sinais e controle.
Syllabus: Historical notes, biologic concepts, learning process, single-layer network (perceptron, adaline), Multilayers perceptrons, Radial Basis Functions Networks, Self-organizing maps, associative memory, Stochastic machines, RNA and directed graph, algorithms. Applications.
MEHROTRA, K., MOHAN, C.K., RANKA, S.: Elements of Artificial Neural Networks., MIT Press, 1997.
GALLANT, S.I.: Neural Networks Learning and Expert Systems, MIT Press, 1995.
SIMPSON, P.K.: Artificial Neural Systems: foundations, paradigms, applications and implementations, Pergamon Press,1990.
HAYKIN, S.: Neural Networks - A Comprehensive Foundation. McMillan (Englewood Cliffs), 1994.