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Call for Applications: Doctoral (Ph.D.)

por ksue publicado 03/05/2019 09h18, última modificação 03/05/2019 09h18
Graduate Program in Electrical and Computer Engineering (CPGEI) at the Federal University of Technology – Paraná (UTFPR)

The Graduate Program in Electrical and Computer Engineering was the first graduate program at the Federal University of Technology and is one of the oldest program in Electrical and Computer Engineering in the State of Paraná, south of Brazil. The first master degree dissertation was presented in 1988 - for your reference the post-graduate system in Brazil started in the 70’s. Once every three years the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel-CAPES compares the scientific contributions of each graduate program. In the last two triennial CPGEI was among top-15 graduate programs in Computer and Electrical Engineering of Brazil. Nowadays we have more than 60 faculty members among 40 professors and more than 20 researchers working in the following research fields: Automation & System Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Telecommunications & Networks, and Photonics.



The graduate program is tuition-free, as it is sponsored by the Brazilian Government.



The number of Ph.D. scholarships is determined once a year, generally in March, by the Government. The number of Ph.D. scholarships are not enough to attend the number of requiring students. The Graduate Commission for Scholarship, every time a quota is made available, opens an internal call for registered students only. In same cases a professor may have funds from his own projetc to provide scholarships to his own students.


Ph.D. Degree Requirements

Ph.D. candidates must be approved in a viva voice examination within a period of four years, and no latter than five years, counting from the registration.



No specific period is required to apply for Ph.D. However, after completing the entry process, registration is done at the beginning of one of the three academic terms.

The application is made online and it is divided in two steps:

Step 1: Submission of a research proposal:

a) Contact one of our faculty members allowed to be an advisor (see list);

b) Draw up a research proposal and submit it to your supervisor. The research proposal should contain:

    • Background/Rationale: (This refers to the overview of the project discussing the factors that led to the conceptualization of the problem)
    • Statement of the Problem: (This refers to the problems both general and specific which the research proponent hopes to solve or offer solution)
    • Objectives: (This refers to the outcomes that the project intends to achieve/bring about)
    • Review of Literature: (This refers to the body of literature related to the study being proposed and a discussion of the knowledge gaps that the proposed research will address)
    • Significance of the Study: (This refers to the contribution of the study to i) national goals/plans; ii) national policies; iii) emerging realities; iv) regional (local goals/plans); v) community goals/plans)

c) Two letters of recommendation are required. The letter must be sent by the person who signed it either in a sealed envelope, or to the e-mail cpgei-ct@utfpr.edu.br (please digitize the signed version and send us a pdf file no bigger than 1.5MB)

The research proposal is submitted to the faculty members by the supervisor.

Step 2: Provide the following documentation:

    • A signed hard copy of the "on-line" registration form. Obs.: In the "on-line" registration indicate the Concentration Area that the research will be carried out (check it with your supervisor).
    • Photocopy of your Graduation Diploma.
    • Photocopy of your graduation academic records (or transcript).
    • Photocopy of your Master’s degree Diploma or equivalent.

The original documents will be required by the registration office.


Additional information

    • Classes are held from Monday to Friday, usually in the morning period.
    • Additional information is on the Program website.
    • The reading of the General Regulation of the CPGEI is obligatory for the accepted candidates.

Important: Students from abroad planning to do their PhD at UTFPR are advised to visit our International Affairs Office website.