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Agreements and Partnerships

por ksue publicado 16/01/2020 15h37, última modificação 16/01/2020 15h49
National and International Cooperations

The area of concentration and lines of research have a natural transdisciplinary character. It is currently impossible for UTFPR to have training in all areas of knowledge involved in the development of devices and systems, which requires a strong involvement of the proposed program with other institutions in Brazil and abroad. Nowadays it is common for devices to be designed (using, for example, computational design techniques) in one institution, produced in another, and tested in a third. Applications of such devices may further involve different groups in different institutions. This favors cooperation and exchange activities.

In the specific case of the team involved in the current proposal, cooperative activities are already being routinely carried out with groups in Brazil and in other countries, their continuity guarantees updating for professors and students, as well as access to experimental facilities not available in the state and even, in some cases. non-existent in the country. 


National Cooperations

  • UFSC
  • UFPE
  • Unicamp
  • UFPR
  • PUC-PR
  • Institute of Advanced Studies (IEAv)
  • Aerospace Technical Center (CTA)


International Cooperations

  • University of Delaware (USA)
  • University of Surrey (United Kingdom)
  • University of York (United Kingdom)
  • University of Southampton (United Kingdom)
  • Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium)
  • University of Oulu (Finland)
  • Central University of Las Villas (Cuba)
  • INRIA (France)
  • UPMC/LIP6 (France)
  • UTT (France)
  • Telecom Sud Paris (France)
  • University of Sydney (Australia)
  • Telecommunications Institute of Aveiro (Portugal)