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por ksue publicado 03/05/2019 09h18, última modificação 03/05/2019 09h18
Our post graduation program offers regular courses and non regular courses

- Regular courses are offered in three annual terms.
- Non regular courses, i.e., Seminar, Colloquium, Tutorial or Individual Study courses, might be offered according to availability of professor and attendance.

Common core courses provide strong background in major topics of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Students are welcome to regular or non regular courses and they are eligible to earn academic credits after successful completion of courses. However, all students must be authorized by his/her supervisor.

Courses and major areas

- Automation and System Engineering
- Biomedical Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Photonics
- Network and Telecomunication
- Common Core


Automation & System Engineering

Regular courses
- Artificial Neural Networks
- Automatic Control/Prof. Flávio Neves
- Simulation and Modeling of Industrial Processes
- Optimization Systems
- Real-Time Systems

Colloquium, Tutorial or Directed Individual Study courses

[EE] Balancing of Productive Lines/Prof. Magatão
[EE] Impedance Sensors for Industrial Application/Prof. Marco
[EE] Instrumentation for Biphasic Flow
[EE] Industrial Communication Networks/Prof. Flávio
[EE] Indoor Location of Mobile Robots/Prof. Valéria

Biomedical Engineering

Regular Courses

Applications of Nuclear Physics Methods
Biomedical Instrumentation I
Biomedical Instrumentation II
Biomedical Systems/Prof. Paulo Abatti
Clinical Engineering/Prof. Percy Nohama
Fundamentals of Electricity and Electronics.
Rehabilitation Engineering
Theory of Image Reconstruction


Colloquium, Tutorial or Directed Individual Study courses

[EE] Applied Electrochemistry in Neuroscience/Prof. Abatti
[EE] Assistive Technologies/Prof. Percy
[EE] Electrical Stimulation
[EE] Instrumentation, Transduction and Medical Engineering/Prof. Joaquim Maia
[EE] Digital Signal Processing Applied to Medical Engineering/Prof. Fábio
[EE] Spectroscopic and imaging techniques using ionizing radiation applied to biological material/Prof. André Conceição

Computer Engineering

Lecture courses

Artificial Intelligence/Prof. Myriam and Prof. Tacla
Advanced Programming
Digital Imaging Processing
Discrete Event Simulation
Fuzzy Systems
Identification Systems/Prof. Valéira
Software Engineering

Colloquium, Tutorial or Directed Individual Study courses

[EE] Bayesian Networks and Artificial Intelligence: Basic Concepts and Applications/Prof. Myriam
[EE] Discrete Event Systems/Prof. Ricardo
[EE] Evolutionary Computation
[EE] Instrumentation, Transduction and Medical Engineering/Prof. Joaquim
[EE] Revocable Logic - Logic defeasible/Prof. Tacla


Lecture courses

Applied Optics
Electromagnetic propagation in dieletric waveguides
Lasers and Applications/Prof. Fabris
Modal Coupling Devices/Prof. Marcia Müller
Optical spectroscopy/Prof. Fabris
Optical Sensors
Propagation in Dielectric Waveguides/Prof. Hypólito
Periodic Photonic Structures
Photonics/Prof. Alexandre Pohl
Refractive Optics and Instrumentation/Prof. Canute

Colloquium, Tutorial or Directed Individual Study courses
[EE] Photosensitivity in glasses/Prof. Cicero

Network and Telecomunication

Lecture courses
Cooperative Communications and Coding Network/Prof. Rebelato

Cognitive Radio/Prof. Richard
Simulation Tools for Telecommunication Networks/Prof. Emíio
Urban Mobility/Prof. Anelise
Wireless Network/Prof. Anelise
Wireless Communication
Colloquium, Tutorial or Directed Individual Study courses:

[EE] Cooperative Communications/Prof. Richard

Common Core

Lecture courses
Digital Design with VHDL and Programmable Logic
Discrete Mathematics
Linear Algebra
Processing Electronic Energy/Prof. Roger
Reconfigurable logic in Hardware
Scientific Methods
Smart Grid/Prof. Keiko
Signal and Systems
Stochastic Methods (Introduction to Random Processes)
Theory of Erro/Prof. Sergei

Common Core Colloquium, Tutorial or Directed Individual Study courses

[EE] Batteries Load Systems for electric vehicles/Prof. Roger
[EE] Impedance Spectroscopy/Prof. Marco
[EE] Reconfigurable logic/Prof. Volnei
[EE] Rectifiers with High Power Factor/Prof. Roger