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Graduate Program in Environmental Engineering

por ksue publicado 13/01/2020 14h53, última modificação 13/01/2020 14h53
Brief description | Research lines

This program aims to equip the students with knowledge and skills to act as professionals in teaching, research and scientific development, as well as in the production of technological knowledge for solving environmental problems in the compartments water, air and soil.

The program works in a multicampus format and all its activities are offered in the campus Londrina and in the campus Apucarana. The period for completing the program is 24 months and the student must fulfill a minimum of 18 credits in courses (270 hours), a proficiency test in Portuguese (for foreign students) and a written dissertation guided by a professor who belongs to the Program.

The Program is evaluated by CAPES, according to the area Engenharias I and as a multidisciplinary program., Graduate candidates of several fields of knowledge are welcomed,  such as environmental engineering, chemistry, chemical engineering, civil engineering, chemical processes, pharmacy and biochemistry, physics, mathematics, ecology, geology, statistics, biological sciences, agronomy, meteorology, architecture, urbanism and computer science.


Research Lines

1) Air pollution and atmosphere processes
This research line aims to investigate the atmosphere processes and evaluate the impacts due to atmospheric pollutants and the climate changes for human health, to perform physical-chemical characterization of the atmospheric pollutants, to analyze the urban climatology and heat islands, to elaborate atmospheric pollution inventories, to evaluate the impacts of extreme atmospheric events for the hydroelectric and agribusiness sectors and to apply numerical simulation and atmospheric modeling tools.

2) Environmental sanitation
This research line aims to develop physical, chemical and biological processes for the treatment and recovery of products and wastewater reuse; to evaluate indicators of environmental contamination; to analyze processes related to the microbial biotransformation of pollutants (insecticides in soil); to apply phytoremediation techniques of toxic metals from the soil; to promote the development of processes for the treatment and reuse of wastewater generated in domestic and industrial activities.

3) Environmental monitoring
This research line aims to monitor aquatic environments and assess the level of environmental impact from anthropic activities; to evaluate the evolution and consequences of natural and anthropogenic changes; to propose mechanisms for the recovery and conservation of aquatic ecosystems; to identify the genetic diversity of microorganisms in aquatic systems, to analyze the bioindicators and biomarkers; xenobiotic removal, recovery or transformation study.

4) Environmental Technologies
This research line aims to develop, characterize and evaluate materials for application in alternative/advanced technologies for the treatment of water, wastewater, gas purification and soil management; to develop, characterize and make feasible the application of catalysts for the production of biofuels and hydrogen production; develop and optimize industrial processes based on the principles of Green Chemistry; to study the feasibility of the use of industrial waste in alternative technologies for the production of chemical inputs/additives and advanced materials.