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Physical structure

por ksue publicado 17/01/2020 11h32, última modificação 17/01/2020 12h06

The Graduate Program in Environmental Science and Technology (PPGCTA) of the Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR) is located in Curitiba (Ecoville) and counts especially on all the infrastructure related to the Academic Department of Chemistry and Biology (DAQBi).

The UTFPR-Curitiba Graduate Program in Environmental Sciences (PPGCTA) has multi-user laboratories with equipment rooms, computer lab, well-equipped classrooms, rooms for coordination and secretariat of the program, specific rooms for teachers and teaching, and research laboratories under the responsibility of teachers belonging to the PPGCTA at its disposal, occupying spaces in blocks (Buildings) C, E, F, I and J. These facilities offer students the full development of teaching and research activities. Below is a detailed description of the environments available for performing administrative, teaching, and research activities related to the program.


Professors are linked to the following laboratories

Photometric equipment room Microbiology Laboratory
Laboratory of Limnology, Ecology, and Chromatography Biotechnology Laboratory
Infrared Spectroscopy Room Ecotoxicology Laboratory
Chromatographic equipment room Environmental Pollutants Laboratory
Laboratory of Atmospheric Pollutants (LCA) Water Treatment Laboratory (LTPA)
Interdisciplinary Center for Research in Environmental Technologies (NIPTA) The Sanitation Laboratory (LabSan)
Laboratory of Advanced Studies in Environmental Chemistry Soil analysis laboratory
Chemistry Laboratory / Biomass Biotechnology Research laboratory related to biomass and bioenergy
Wastewater Treatment Laboratory Laboratory of Environmental Control and Preservation
Laboratory of Environmental Education and Management and Science Teaching Computer Lab