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Graduate Program in Regional Development

por ksue publicado 21/01/2020 16h55, última modificação 11/12/2023 12h20
Brief Description

Graduate Program in Regional Development

Master’s and Doctoral Degrees

Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná Campus Pato Branco
Office of the Graduate Program in Regional Development 
Via do Conhecimento, km 01 - CEP 85503-390 Pato Branco - Paraná - Brasil
Phone: +55 (46) 3220-2608
e-mail: ppgdr-pb@utfpr.edu.br


Program Goals

To build a space for praxis regarding theories and practices that occur between society and nature through an interdisciplinary perspective of the production and diffusion of scientific knowledge, thus contributing to the development of professionals qualified to work in research, teaching, and as agents of regional development based on sustainability, able to dialogue with different fields of study.


Concentration Area

The Graduate Program in Regional Development assumes that development is a process through which societies gain greater control over their environment and political destiny and empower their individuals to gain greater control over themselves. Therefore, it understands that development consists of a deliberate transformation of the natural and social reality and focuses on Sustainable Regional Development, prioritizing interdisciplinary studies that consider its various dimensions.


Research Line in Regionality and Development
The research line Regionality and Development aims to investigate regional development's socioeconomic and environmental dynamics, focused on the challenge of innovation, sustainability, and interdisciplinarity, emphasizing actors, institutions, organizations, and public policies.

Research Line in Education and Development
The research line Education and Development aims to contribute to the qualification of development agents, planners, and executors of social and environmental projects and programs, as well as educators, seeking to improve interdisciplinary competencies through teaching and researching different aspects of formal and non-formal education concerning intercultural contexts and regional development based on sustainability.



Eligibility and Selection Criteria
The Graduate Program in Regional Development invites applicants from all fields of study with an officially recognized undergraduate degree. Selection for the Program takes place annually by the Admission Body of the Graduate Program in Regional Development.

For both master’s and doctoral degrees, the Admission Body of the Program defines the number of available seats based on the availability of dissertation/thesis advisors.

The program offers scholarships from Capes and other funding agencies, granted according to specific criteria.