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Agreements and partnerships

por ksue publicado 17/01/2020 14h50, última modificação 17/01/2020 14h51
Cooperation Projects

PPGEB works in the consolidation of partnerships with the Secretary of Health of the State of Paraná, Secretary of Health of the Municipality of Curitiba, several orthopedic clinics, the Positivo University (Medical Degree), the UNIANDRADE University Center, the Pontifical Catholic University (PUC/PR), Curitiba Military Hospital, Curitiba Workers Hospital, UFPR Clinics Hospital, Marcelino Champagnat Hospital, Paraná Molecular Biology Institute (IBMP), Carlos Chagas Institute (ICC) of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, the Pelé Institute of the Little Prince Foundation, the Little Prince Hospital, the Angelina Caron/Clinirad Hospital, the Erasto Gaertner Hospital, the Renato Archer Institute CTI and Renault do Brasil with which there is already cooperation, on various levels, in research works.

We highlight the partnership with IBMP, aiming at joint research, the improvement of some processes and the formation of human resources in strategic areas, such as Proteomics and Molecular Biology. By 2018 five masters were trained whose work sought to contribute to the solution of practical problems of IBMP.

An e-health project is being started with the Curitiba Department of Health, which aims to evaluate the interaction between doctor and patient through a videoconferencing system. A master student is already involved in this project.

With Universidade Positivo there is a partnership in the project that involves the use of genetic analysis to improve the performance of professional athletes. Masters have already been trained in this project.

Together with Erasto Gaertner Hospital, a project is being developed to evaluate the use of thermography for the diagnosis of cancer. There are already masters students developing research within the context of this project.

The partnership with Renault do Brasil enabled the development of a passive exoskeleton and its evaluation using electromyography. This project has already obtained scholarship funding for undergraduate students and there are masters students working on it.

A project was approved by the government of the state of Paraná, the purpose of which is to conduct research on the production of heart valves by bioprinting, in partnership with Prof. Francisco Diniz from PUC/PR.

We developed a research project in partnership with the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) aiming at the Application of Kinematic Methodology in the Elaboration of Curves for Reference Values of Postural and Respiratory Mechanics in Schoolchildren from 7 to 12 years old (PPSUS Call - 08/2009), coordinated by Prof. Denise da Vinha Ricieri.
  In 2013, the continuation of the project was approved in the PPSUS Notice - Call 04/2013 (agreement term 982/2013) now coordinated by Prof. Leandra Ulbricht of UTFPR-PPGEB, consolidating this partnership.

This partnership with UFPR in the PPSUS Notices culminated in the implementation of a photogrammetry laboratory at UTFPR. In addition, it has led to numerous partnerships with schools in the Curitiba metropolitan region to develop a new methodology for use in Early Diagnosis of Adolescent Obesity and Overweight through the Development of Mathematical Modeling for Body Density Estimation.

We developed a project in partnership with Prof. Timothy J. Bungum, of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of Nevada Las Vegas - UNLV, who is working at the School of Public Health - Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, which consists of the development of new methodologies for the early diagnosis of obesity and overweight among adolescents. This partnership has already performed joint productions.

We also seek to strengthen our interaction with the productive sector, which is a characteristic of professional masters. More than 90% of our students are health-related and have their theses related to their work activities. Admission is encouraged to have knowledge and support from the employer in the master's project of his/her employee. Another positive point is that most of the work has its data collected not in the University's laboratories, but in the professional environments of its students, always with the technical-scientific consent and supervision of the supervisor.