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Graduate Program in Civil Engineering

por tassia publicado 08/04/2020 16h00, última modificação 08/04/2020 16h00

The UTFPR Graduate Program in Civil Engineering, Campus Pato Branco, hereinafter called PPGEC, offers an Academic Master's course and develops its teaching and research activities in the areas of concentration in Environment and Materials and Structural Engineering.

The goals of the program are to: (I) Train qualified human resources to: create new scientific and technological knowledge, participate in teaching, scientific research and development activities, and act autonomously in the preparation of personnel for the aforementioned activities; and (II) Define, propose, coordinate and execute scientific research and/or development projects at the local, national or international level.


Area of concentration:  Materials and Structural Engineering

This area of concentration is dedicated to the study of the behavior of materials and structures, comprising the theoretical and numerical analysis of systems and structural elements, as well as the experimental analysis of structures and materials for structural application. It is noteworthy that research in this line has applications that also contribute in broader fields in addition to Civil Engineering, such as Mechanical Engineering, Biomechanics, Aerospace and Naval.
Research Lines: Structural Analysis; Construction Materials and Components

Structural Analysis
The researches belonging to the line of numerical analysis aim at the study and simulation of static or dynamic events, in a linear and non-linear regime through different methods, such as finite elements, finite differences and boundary elements and their applications, looking for the adequacy of these methods to the specific type of problem analyzed, and the modeling of soil-structure, fluid-structure and thermo-structure interactions and the study of constitutive models for materials under fatigue, plasticization, can be highlighted as research objects, damage and fracture.

Construction Materials and Components
The activities of this line of research are focused on the development of new cements, reuse of waste as alternative sources of raw material and performance analysis of conventional and special materials. Research includes durability studies, with a special approach to mortar and concrete. In addition, research is carried out on the behavior of concrete structures, metallic materials, wood and polymeric composites including auscultation techniques and non-destructive tests.


Area of ​​Concentration: Environment

It addresses studies of the interaction between civil construction and the environment, aiming to train the student through knowledge in Environmental Management, Technologies, Sustainability and Eco-Efficiency in Civil Construction and urban infrastructure. Thus, it aims to encourage students to develop and apply innovative and environmentally based technologies to prevent environmental problems, arising from industrial or human activities, and also proposing the adoption of good practices with economic, social and environmental gains.
Research Line: Environmental Technology in the Built Environment

Environmental Technology in the Built Environment
It encompasses the approach of issues related to technologies aimed at the protection and conservation of the environment, management and sustainable management of environmental resources in civil construction, including issues related to the environmental quality of natural and man-made space, making the use of resources compatible with environmental conservation and current management instruments. This line is divided into five major focuses: Solid waste management; Geoprocessing, Sensing and Environmental Information System; Compensatory Techniques in Urban Rain Drainage Systems, Urban Watersheds and Water and Wastewater Treatment. Environmental legislation is also the subject of this line of study.