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Postgraduate Program in Mechanical and Materials Engineering

por tassia publicado 08/04/2020 15h50, última modificação 26/01/2021 20h44
Short description

The Postgraduate Program in Mechanical and Materials Engineering at UTFPR on Curitiba campus (PPGEM-CT), offers master and doctoral courses. The master course started in 2000 and the doctorate in 2012. Within CAPES classification, the Program belongs to Engineering III area and it was rated as concept 4 in the last quadrennial evaluation (2013-2016).

Within its fields of activities, PPGEM-CT has the following objectives:

I. Upskilling professionals to apply knowledge in the execution of scientific research and development activities aiming at solving problems or proposing technological innovations to meet the demands of the society and the labor market;

II. To define, propose, coordinate,  and execute research and technological development projects in its lines of action, aiming at meeting specific demands for international, national, regional, and/or local development.

PPGEM-CT is structured in four concentration areas and seven research lines, as detailed in the following.


I - Area: Manufacturing Engineering

Research lines: (1) Integrated Product Development; (2) Optimization of Manufacturing Processes.

Integrated Product Development
In this research line, studies are carried out to define strategies, methods, technologies, forms of organization for work and processes allowing the integrated and simultaneous design of sustainable products and their corresponding processes, considering all elements of the cycle of life of a product involving aspects of quality, cost, time, and customer requirements.

Optimization of Manufacturing Processes
This research line aims to characterize the main parameters of mechanical manufacturing processes (processes of removal and addition of materials), seeking to define strategies for their optimization from the technical and economic points of view, within the manufacturing context.


II -  Area: Materials Engineering

Research lines: (1) Material Characterization; (2) Materials Processing. 

Material Characterization
This research line aims to establish the routines for the correct characterization of materials, as well as to determine the properties of materials aiming to define the fields of applications in design activities or in the definition of new uses

Materials Processing
This research line aims at the development of new technologies for the manufacturing of materials as well as the optimization of existing technologies. Surface processing, thermal and thermochemical treatments, coatings, and tribology are the main processes investigated.


III - Area: Thermal Engineering

Research lines: (1) Analysis and Modeling of Processes and Thermal Systems; (2) Fluid Mechanics.

Analysis and Modeling of Processes and Thermal Systems
Within this research line, theoretical and experimental studies in the areas of heat transfer in cavities, refrigeration, and characterization of porous materials are developed. 

Fluid Mechanics
This line of research focus in the development of mathematical models and numerical computational methods and the use of experimental techniques to solve problems of fluid mechanics. Single-phase and two-phase flows of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids are studied.


IV - Area: Solid Mechanics

Research lines: (1) Computational Solids Mechanics.

Computational Solids Mechanics
This research lines covers the mathematical modeling and the development of numerical and computational techniques to solve solid mechanics problems.