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por ksue publicado 21/01/2020 12h01, última modificação 21/01/2020 12h03
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Fundamentals and Methodologies for the Teaching of Human Sciences

This line focuses on the development of New Technologies Applied to the Language and Literature Teaching; Culture and Society

Alessandra Dutra
Evandro de Melo Catelão
Givan José Ferreira dos Santos
Marilu Martens Oliveira
Mauricio Cesar Menon


Fundamentals and Methodologies for the Teaching of Nature Sciences

This line focuses on the development of New Technologies Applied to the Teaching of Nature Sciences: Chemistry, Physics, and Biology

Daniel Guerrini
David da Silva Pereira
Jair de Oliveira
Suseli Cristiane Alves Camilo
Vanderley Flor da Rosa


Fundamentals and Methodologies for the Teaching of Social Sciences

This line focuses on the development of New Technologies Applied to the Teaching of Social Sciences; Labor Sociology; Social Inclusion; Accessibility and Assisting Technology.

Alcides Goya
João Paulo Camargo de Lima
Katya Regina de Freitas
Paulo Sérgio de Camargo Filho
Zenaide de Fatima Dante Correia Rocha