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por ksue publicado 20/01/2020 11h58, última modificação 20/01/2020 12h00
Topics of research interest and link to Lattes

Permanent Professors


Research Topics

André Luiz Coelho Conceição

Atomic and molecular physics

Andreia Gerniski Macedo

Condensed matter physics

Anna Luiza Metidieri Cruz Malthez

Nuclear physics

Antonio Carlos Amaro de Faria Jr.

Quantum gravity, quantum field theory,
statistical mechanics, computational chemistry,

Arandi Ginane Bezerra Jr.

Condensed matter physics

Emilson Ribeiro Viana Junior

Nanotechnology, material physics, optical and electrical sensors,
carbon based materials, metal semiconductor oxides,
microwave absorbing materials, solar cells, Bragg sensors.

Felipe Braga Ribas

Small bodies of the solar system, stellar occultations.

Jaqueline Kappke

Atomic and molecular physics, medical physics.

Jean Carlo Santos

Solar magnetic field, mathematical extrapolation of the magnetic field,
computer simulations, satellite image analysis and processing,
AI applications in astronomy.

Jeferson Ferreira de Deus

Condensed matter physics

Keli Fabiana Seidel

Optoelectronic devices, transport of charge carriers in organic materials,
development and characterization of field effect transistors,
electrolytic devices for sensor development, light emitting transistors.

Marcelo Antoniassi

Atomic and molecular physics

Marcos Brown Gonçalves

Atomic and molecular physics

Marlos de Oliveira Ribas

Cosmology and astrophysics

Pedro Zambianchi Junior

Radiation-matter interaction, X-ray scattering.

Ricardo Canute Kamikawachi

Condensed matter physics

Rubens Eduardo Garcia Machado

Extragalactic astrophysics, galaxy cluster, galactic dynamics,
dark matter, numerical simulations

Wido Herwig Schreiner

Condensed matter physics


Collaborating professors


Research Topics

Marcelo Emílio

Cosmology and astrophysics

Fernando Pablo Devecchi

Cosmology and astrophysics

Walmor Cardoso Godoi

Nuclear Physics




Research Topics

Alexandre J. Tuoto Silveira Mello

Cosmology and Astrophysics

Marcos Antonio Coelho Berton

Atomic and Molecular Physics