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Agreements and Partnerships

por ksue publicado 20/01/2020 13h05, última modificação 20/01/2020 13h06
Cooperation Projects

International Cooperation 

Resources Efficiency through The Application of Life Cycle Thinking – REAL
Institution: Ecoinvent – Suiça 
Report on the ACV National Database Strategic Route, within the REAL project (Resources Efficiency through The Application of Life Cycle Thinking) funded by the European Commission, implemented by the UN Environment Programme and The Life Cycle Initiative. Results: written report, consultation and public hearing held, and presentation at the REAL Project Workshop at CILCA 2019 in Cartago, Costa Rica.

CNPq Project: Ambient concentrations e personal exposure to short-lived climates pollutants
Institution: Dalhousie University – Canadá
Research workshops, exchange and internships.


Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) – Alemanha 
Construction of a climate chamber in Curitiba
Results: Senior internship (CAPES) and “sandwich doctorate” with research publications, as well as construction of the climate chamber.
Department Man in the Desert da Ben-Gurion University of the Negev – Israel
Climate responsive buildings
Results: postdoctoral internship, master's co-advisory, research publications.

Glasgow Caledonian University – Reino Unido
Heat islands and comfort in open spaces
Results: postdoctoral internships, research on the Brazilian regulation for energy efficiency of buildings (RTQ www.procelinfo.com.br/selo_procel_edificacoes/), co-publications. 

Department of Environmental Science and Analytical Chemistry, Stockholm University – Suécia
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) – Suécia 
Results: postdoctoral internships, research project – “ParCur – Study of the emissions of particulate matter and black carbon and their impact on the quality of air in Curitiba and its metropolitan region”.