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Postgraduate program in Agroecosystems

por ksue publicado 21/01/2020 09h56, última modificação 21/01/2020 09h56
Brief Description

The postgraduate program in Agroecosystems (PPGSIS) aims to train human resources with high level of knowledge in agroecosystems, focusing on research themes that involve the sustainability of production processes, emphasizing the balanced relationship between environments and agroecosystems on the search for sustainable production systems, focusing on regional development and sustainability.

We will be happy to answer all your questions: ppgsis-dv@utfpr.edu.br

Evaluation area: Agrarian Sciences I

Concentration area: Agroecosystems


Research line: Agroecosystem Management and Conservation

Studies on Management and Conservation of Agroecosystems are connected to the fundamental issues that involve the conservation of natural resources related to agricultural, forestry, and agroforestry production systems.

Research in these areas are related to soil use and management and its relationship with the environment, the study of techniques and products to induce plant resistance, biological control of insects and diseases, and the selectivity of alternative and biological products to non-target organisms.

The research line also focuses on methodologies for the rescue and perpetuation of plant species with potential for environmental or economic use, study of ecology and allelopathic interactions between plants, study of microclimatic aspects of agroforestry systems, studies in genetic conservation, and study of production techniques and methods.

Another area of this research line studies the economic use of biodiversity, such as agricultural and forestry seed technology, native and exotic fruit trees, medicinal, spice and aromatic plants, agroforestry systems, and forest production based on ecological criteria.



1. Enable the student to build knowledge with a solid scientific base that allows him/her to perform research, teaching, and extension.

2. Generate new knowledge and/or consolidate existing knowledge regarding the relationship between nature and agricultural, forestry, and agroforestry production systems, focusing on sustainability and scientific development of environmentally-sound production.

3. Stimulate the growth of the country's scientific research towards the precepts of sustainable processes and train and capacitate researchers in this subject, especially in the southwestern region of Paraná, which is deficient in this area.

4. Develop the professional’s potential for research and technological innovation that can be employed from family farms to large properties and agribusiness production systems.

5. Develop in the student a multidisciplinary perspective of knowledge applied to agricultural, forestry, and agroforestry production systems and their various aspects in a sustainable manner, regarding nature and renewable natural resources.

6 - Consolidate, at the postgraduate level, the training of qualified human resources for direct and indirect performance in the various areas of knowledge throughout the country, especially in the Southwest of Paraná, focusing on the sustainability of production processes.