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Agreements and Partnerships

por ksue publicado 21/01/2020 15h25, última modificação 08/04/2021 22h22
Cooperation Projects

A project entitled “Misión a Brasil para establecer y fortalecer lazos de cooperación científica y académica en Química y disciplinas relacionadas” was approved in 2015, through Prof. Michelle Budke Costa, Ph.D., a permanent faculty member. The aforementioned project, written by Prof. María Fernanda Zalazar from the Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, was expecting the visit of faculty members from the Universidad Nacional (Argentina) to strengthen ties with UTFPR and other educational institutions in western Paraná. PPGTAMB program in the campus of Medianeira was chosen to this end.

On November 29th, 2016, the purpose to establish and strengthen ties between UTFPR and the Universidad Nacional de Misiones (Argentina) was accomplished in a working meeting between Prof. María Fernanda Zalazar, PhD. and all Graduate Programs’ coordinators in the campus of Medianeira. An introduction to all lines of research of all graduate programs was presented on the occasion, to seek which of them could be complementary and could eventually result in future partnerships. The meeting feedback was positive, rating the relationship between the two Universities as promising.

Furthermore, an agreement with the Southern University of Denmark started in 2018, as the first tangible result of Prof. Thiago Edwiges, with the prospect of Prof. Jin Mi Triolo visiting the program still in 2018. As an outcome, the first English language course was offered in the Graduate Program. Prof. Jin Mi Triolo, Ph.D. of the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) held the course. The close contact with Prof. Triolo allowed new research projects to be discussed and students to be co-advised.

A meeting was also held with faculty members from the Universidad Nacional de Missiones, Argentina, aiming to offer training courses in the area of ​​concentration of the program.