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Professional Master's Degree in Mathematics

por ksue publicado 21/01/2020 09h00, última modificação 21/01/2020 09h00
Brief Description

he Professional Master's Degree in Mathematics in National Network - Profmat is a semi-presential Master's program in Mathematics with national offer. It is formed by a network of Higher Education Institutions, in the context of the Open University of Brazil/Higher Education Personal Improvement Coordination (Capes), and coordinated by the Brazilian Society of Mathematics (SBM), with support from National Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (Impa). Profmat emerged through an action induced by CAPES with the scientific community of Mathematics, represented and coordinated by SBM.

 National Website: profmat-sbm.org.br


Mathematics Teacher Training

Profmat aims to serve primarily Mathematics teachers working in Basic Education, especially from public schools, seeking improvement in their professional education, with emphasis on the in-depth mastery of mathematical content relevant to their teaching.


National Education Plan

Profmat meets the National Education Plan - PNE, Law No. 13.005, of June 25, 2014, which sets in its Goal 16: to train, at the graduate level, 50% (fifty percent) of Basic Education teachers  , until the last year of this PNE, and to guarantee all the Basic Education professionals to continue education in their area, considering the needs, demands and contextualization of education systems. In addition, Profmat also meets goals 14, 17 and 18, which deal respectively with increasing the number of enrollments in the graduate program; appreciation of the teacher; and career plan.



The admission of new students takes place through a National Access Exam, with a program defined in a National Announcement. This entrance exam is held simultaneously in all institutions associated with the program once a year. The applicant needs to take the exam at the institution where he/she intends to attend PROFMAT.

After the exam result, the UTFPR notice is published with guidelines related to the application, the dates of the registration calls and the necessary documents for registration.


More information at the links

  1. Selection notices - National website

  2. Screening exams - National Website

  3. Profmat UTFPR Notices


Capes review

Profmat was recommended by Capes, recognized by the National Education Council - CNE and validated by the Ministry of Education with a grade of 5 (maximum grade for master's degree programs).


National Qualification Exam

Profmat has a National Qualification Exam (NQE) which consists of a single written assessment, offered twice a year, with discursive questions, involving the contents of the first four compulsory subjects and prepared by the National Commission for Student Evaluation. The NQE tests are digitally depersonalized and corrected in the Profmat computer platform online correction module.


Completion Paper

Profmat's concluding work focuses on specific topics pertinent to the Basic Education Mathematics curriculum with impact on the classroom.