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Professional Master’s degree in Mathematics in the National Network

por ksue publicado 22/01/2020 09h31, última modificação 22/01/2020 09h31
Brief Description

Coordinated by the Brazilian Mathematical Society, this Master’s degree program seeks to provide in-depth mathematical training for school teachers in primary and secondary school levels.

The Professional Master’s degree in Mathematics in the National Network Profmat is a blended-learning master’s program in the area of Mathematics offered nationwide.

It comprises a network of Higher Education Institutions, brought together by the Open University of Brazil/Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES, in the Portuguese acronym), coordinated by the Brazilian Mathematical Society (SBM, in the Portuguese acronym), and supported by the National Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA, in the Portuguese acronym).

Profmat emerged upon request from the scientific community of Mathematics, represented and coordinated by SBM, and taken to action by Capes.


Area of Concentration

Mathematics Teaching


Lines of Research

Math in Basic Education: Algebra

Mathematical Analysis

Mathematics Teaching

Geometry e Topology

Applied Mathematics


Topics of Interest


Mathematical Analysis

Mathematics Teaching

Geometry e Topology

Applied Mathematics