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Postgraduate Studies in Linguistics and Literature

por tassia publicado 08/04/2020 16h05, última modificação 27/04/2021 15h37

General Objective

The Postgraduate Program in Linguistics and Literature aims at promoting the education in language teaching and research, providing critical research related to the language area, by understanding society and culture as being constituted and constitutive of the subjective and intersubjective processes of human language, which are manifested in literature, arts, sciences, politics, and everyday life.


Speficic Objectives

- Fostering studies concerning dialogues among different languages, whether verbal or non-verbal, seeking to understand and expand these dialogues.

- Articulating language studies with studies from other sciences, in order to enable graduate students to contribute to the transformation of society.

- Developing and publishing critical scientific studies, making them accessible to the community by means of different information and dissemination channels.

- Promoting the interaction between research and academic extension, thus strengthening the relationship between student-researcher and the teaching career by means of teaching internships.


Area of ​​Research

Language, Culture and Society
The option for the area of research in Language, Culture and Society is inserted within the field of critical studies about the subjective construction and aims to analyse the relations of mutual influence between language and culture, as well as social aspects inherent to all verbal and artistic production, both from the perspective of synchronic and diachronic processes.


Lines of Research

The PSLL has two lines of research, which have as a common axis, therefore, studies on language in its most diverse cultural expressions, in view of the historical social relations that constitute and are constituted by them. In this sense, both lines of research maintain a healthy dialogue, the results of which, whether in the form of projects or in the form of studies and actions, will be shared with the academic community and also with the whole of society.

Literature, Society and Interarts
This line of research constitutes a space for theoretical investigations involving literature, society and other forms of artistic expression, and its main objective is to elucidate their possible interrelations. The interdisciplinary nature of this line of research comprises the articulating axes of Literary Theory, Intersemiotics, Comparative Literature, Lusophony and promotes research on the potential dialogues between these axes and related areas of the Humanities. While privileging an interactionist perspective, literature is not conceived here as a mere product resulting from the social facts and the historical context in which it was conceived, but it is the creator and transformer of this psychosocial universe.

Language, Education and Work
This line of research aims at studying language from an enunciative-discursive and socio-historical and/or sociocultural perspective, with the purpose of elucidating the relationship between language, subjectivity and human action/activity in educational, cultural and work spheres. Such objectives are based on certain theoretical assumptions of Language, Education, and Work Sciences.