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Graduate Program in Biotechnology

por ksue publicado 21/01/2020 09h20, última modificação 15/02/2023 14h23
Brief description

The PPGBIOTEC is a proposal resulting from the joint effort of the Ponta Grossa and Dois Vizinhos campuses. The Research Master's Program in Biotechnology at UTFPR began its activities in 2017 and is recognized with Concept 4 by CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior).
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• To train human resources with a solid theoretical and practical base and critical capacity, committed to scientific and technological development and the demands of local;
• To contribute to the regional and global society in the biotechnology area, in an ethical, sustainable, and innovative way.

It is our vision to be a reference post-graduation program in forming qualified professionals and developing scientific, technological and innovative knowledge.
Our research provides social and sustainable contributions in biotechnology research applied to agriculture, agribusiness, biomolecules and industrial bioprocesses.

Global Goal
The UTFPR's Graduate Program in Biotechnology (PPGBIOTEC) aims to train human resources with high scientific and technological mastery qualified in the Biotechnology area to meet the demands of the professional and academic market at local and global levels. At this juncture, this program also aims to enable the exercise of research, teaching, and technological innovation development activities that can generate biotechnological goods and services for society and minimize impactful environmental effects.

Specific Goals
• Create possibilities for the qualified professional to produce and/or build knowledge by meeting specific demands of production arrangements, public and private organizations with a view to development at the local, national or international level.
• Use the tools of biotechnology in the development of materials and processes producing products according to the specific needs of the consumer market;
• Contribute to adding competitiveness and increasing productivity in companies, public and private organizations;
• Generate the integrated articulation of professional training with the different demanding entities, aiming to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of public and private organizations through the solution of problems and the creation and application of appropriate innovation processes;
• To provide conditions that allow the deepening and updating of theoretical and practical knowledge of professionals in related areas
• To provide the faculty with support in activities related to the improvement of the academic master's degree;
• To promote collaborative processes with other areas of knowledge and institutions that work with Biotechnology and the proposed areas of concentration;
• Interact with the productive sector, in line with the various boards and agencies of the UTFPR, promoting closer ties between the university and industry, thus collaborating in the promotion of regional development;
• Collaborate in the training of professionals in the Biotechnology area, for the exercise of their activities;
• Collaborating with other graduate programs established at the UTFPR. Program proposal
• The proposal presents well-defined objectives, with an area of concentration with three lines of research well articulated with the proposal and with the experience of the faculty. Moreover, the curriculum is highly flexible, with only three compulsory courses (Special Topics in Biotechnology, Scientific Writing, and Seminars). All other elective courses allow the structuring of the student's study plan to be suitable for experimental work.

Program Proposal
The Program Proposal is based on its objectives. The multidisciplinary character of the program allows the admission of students from different areas. Moreover, the curriculum is highly flexible, with only three compulsory courses (Special Topics in Biotechnology, Scientific Writing, and Seminars). All other courses are elective, allowing the structuring of the student's study plan suitable for experimental work.

Area of Concentration – Biotechnology

Research Line: Biomolecules and Industrial Bioprocesses

Campus: Ponta Grossa


Research Line: Biotechnology Applied to Agriculture and Agribusiness

Campus: Dois Vizinhos

Research Lines

Biomolecules and Industrial Bioprocesses

Here, bioprocesses are developed from renewable raw materials to obtain bioproducts synthesized by microorganisms to contribute to technological development and generate socioeconomic-environmental benefits. The line involves access to genetic heritage in order to isolate microorganisms and identify new bioproducts, application of molecular biology techniques to improve processes and products, development, analysis and optimization of fermentative processes, microbiological quality control, bioreactor design, and extraction and characterization of biocompounds by spectroscopic, chromatographic, and electrochemical techniques. Thus, we work from isolating microorganisms to developing processes that can be scaled up to pilot and industrial scale.


Biotechnology Applied to Agriculture and Agribusiness

Here, processes are developed for valorizing residues, raw materials, and products from agriculture and agribusiness, using molecular biology tools, fermentative and enzymatic processes, among others. This line aims the bioprospection and genetic, molecular, morphological and chemical characterization of microorganisms, adding value to biological material, waste and byproducts, by developing products and processes of agricultural, agroindustrial, food and/or environmental biotechnological interest. It also aims to evaluate the biological properties of bioactive compounds for the development and application in agroindustrial, food, agricultural, veterinary and/or environmental interest products, in addition to studies on plant biodiversity and phytopathogens.

Requirements for the Master's Degree in Biotechnology

- Remain in the PPGBIOTEC for a minimum of one year and a maximum of three years as a regular student;

- Obtain at least 24 credits, including: 8 credits in compulsory common core courses, 12 credits in optional courses, 04 credits in complementary activities as per PPGBIOTEC Normative Instruction;

- To carry out a teaching internship in higher education (just for students of the Scholarship Programm);

- Pass the Qualifying Examination;

- Defend the master's dissertation in a public session, with the evaluation of an examining board according to the program's regulations;

- Have passed the English Language Proficiency Exam;

- Send to PPGBIOTEC, the publication proof of submission of at least one manuscript in a specialized journal in Biotechnology area;

- Deliver to PPGBIOTEC, two printed copies and one copy in electronic format of the final version of the Master's Dissertation to the secretariat no later than sixty days after the defense date.

- Orientation Activities: The students will be oriented by one supervisor and eventually one co-supervisor:

Advisor, which will be defined on the occasion of the selection process of students for the Program and will be responsible for the coordination of the orientation process;

A co-supervisor, who will be responsible for helping in the supervision of the development process of the experimental activities and the elaboration of the dissertation. Collaborating professors of the Program and/or other researchers, whose production has affinity with the theme of the project being developed by the student, may act as co-supervisors.


Reasearch Master’s program in Biotechnology


Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - Campus Ponta Grossa

Avenida Monteiro Lobato, s/n km 4, CEP: 84016-210, Ponta Grossa - PR

Monday to Friday, from 8:30am to 11:30am and from 1:30pm to 5:30pm

Contact: + 55 (42) 3220-4823 | + 55 (42) 3235-7044

ppgbiotec-pg@utfpr.edu.br and julianavitoria@utfpr.edu.br

Secretary: Marcos Roberto Eyng

Local Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Juliana Vitória Messias Bittencourt



Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - Campus Dois Vizinhos

Estarda para Boa Esperança, km 04, CEP 85660-000, Dois Vizinhos-PR

Monday to Friday, from 7:15am to 11:15am and from 1:15pm to 5:15pm

Contact: + 55 (46) 3536-8922 + 55 (46) 3536-8907

ppgbiotec-dv@utfpr.edu.br and nediaghisi@utfpr.edu.br

Secretary: Rodrigo Dela Justina

Local coordinator: Profª Dra. Nédia de Castilhos Ghisi


Follow up PPGBiotec and stay on top of our activities and information about research in Biotec:

- Facebook: facebook.com/ppgbiotec.utfpr

- Instagram: @ppgbiotec_utfpr