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por ksue publicado 24/07/2019 15h36, última modificação 17/12/2019 16h42

The Graduate Program in Applied Computing (in Portuguese, “Programa de Pós-Graduação em Computação Aplicada”, or PPGCA) offers a Professional Master's Degree in Applied Computing which aims to serve individuals who already have some professional experience and who are looking for a venue to conduct research and expand their knowledge. The Master’s Degree is intended for graduates in higher education courses in the fields of Information Technology, Information Systems, Computing and related areas such as Engineering, Mathematics, Statistics, etc. or graduated in other areas with proven experience of professional work in the area of Computing.

Research Areas

The PPGCA's area of concentration is Computer Systems Engineering. This area covers research on the design, construction, evaluation and optimization of computer systems, as well as issues related to hardware, software, information, human factors, methods and documentation. Our focus is on the transfer of technology to the productive sector, with the use of the ideas coming from academia and its application to concrete cases originating from demands of the productive sector.


Software Engineering

In this area of research, processes, methods, techniques and tools or technologies employed in software development activities are investigated, ranging from requirements and specifications to testing and validation, as well as human factors and all the stages related to the software development.

Computer Vision and Image Pattern Recognition

This line of research focuses on algorithms and systems that involve the manipulation and analysis of images and videos, with application in several areas of human knowledge. This involves techniques of digital image processing, machine learning, deep learning, feature extraction and geometric modeling, among others.

Networking and Distributed Systems

This line of research investigates security, reliability, scalability, and efficiency issues affecting operating systems, network protocols, and distributed applications currently in use in dynamic, large-scale environments such as the Internet, and seeks efficient and innovative solutions for the problems found. Specific research topics are the techniques for managing local resources (processor, memory, storage, power) and network (network bandwidth, speed, power consumption) in multiuser systems, ad hoc networks, mobile computing environments and the Internet.

Embedded Systems and Robotics

The objective of this line of research is to apply the scientific and technological knowledge available to the development of Embedded Systems. The studies involve the architecture of these systems, often distributed and heterogeneous, the use of specialized, reactive and real-time operating systems, and the use of reconfigurable systems and firmware implementation.

Information Systems

This line aims to research the latest scientific and technological advances that can be incorporated into complex information systems. This line includes studies on the development of collaborative projects and systems, modern techniques for storing and classifying information, using information and building systems in decision-making processes, and designing and building systems for specific environments such as web services and geo-referenced services.

Intelligent Systems and Logic

In this line of research computational methods are developed based on artificial intelligence, logic and computational intelligence to approach problems whose resolution by conventional algorithmic methods is computationally costly. Frequent application scenarios are: machine learning, data mining, complex optimization problems, intelligent interaction of autonomous collectives, among others.


See https://portal.utfpr.edu.br/cursos/coordenacoes/stricto-sensu/ppgca-ct/area-academica/docentes