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por ksue publicado 21/01/2020 11h37, última modificação 21/01/2020 11h39
Topics of interest and link to Lattes


Alessandra Machado-Lunkes 
Develops research projects that seek the utilization of peptides of interest in the field of food science and technology, besides the development of food processed with the incorporation of the pulp of exotic fruits or vegetable extracts or active coverage for fruit coating.

Alexandre da Trindade Alfaro
Is experienced in the field of Food Science and Technology, focused on the Utilization of Sub-products, acting especially on the following subjects: fish, collagenous, sub-products, rheological properties, biofilms.

Alexandre Rodrigo Coelho
Is experienced in the Microbiology field, acting mainly on the following subjects: food microbiology, biocontrol, antagonist killer yeasts.

Elisabete Hiromi Hashimoto 
Is experienced in the Microbiology field, focused on toxigenic Cyanobacteria, acting mainly on the following areas: aflatoxin, fumonisins, fish food, corn, fusarium sp., total count, immunohistochemistry, microcystin, fish, fusarium verticillioids, and yeast.

Fabio Augusto Garcia Coró 
Acts on the field of Food Science and Technology, acting mainly on the following subjects: quality, sensory analysis, meat products, and food analysis. Reutilization of Industrial Wastes.

Isabel Craveiro Moreira 
Is experienced in the field of Chemistry, with focus on Chemistry of Natural Products, acting mainly on the following subjects: antioxidant activity, natural products, food functionality.

Ivane Benedetti Tonial 
Is experienced in the field of waters and effluents analysis, analysis of animal and vegetable originated food.

Lúcia Felicidade Dias 
Is experienced in the field of Food Science and Technology, with focus on the Evaluation and Control of Food Quality, acting mainly on the following subjects: atomic absorption, food proximate composition.

Luciano Lucchetta 
Is experienced in agro-industrialization and evaluation of the nutritional and sensory aspects of fruits for the strengthening of the productive agro-ecological complex.

Lyssa Setsuko Sakanaka
Is experienced in the field of Food Science and Technology, acting mainly on the following subjects: biodegradable packages, extrusion of biodegradable polymers, drying, drinks based on vegetable raw material.

Margarida Masami Yamaguchi
Is experienced in the field of Food Science and Technology, acting mainly on the following subjects: Biochemistry and Meat Processing.

Marianne Ayumi Shirai 
Is experienced in the field of Food Science and Technology, acting mainly on the following subjects: biopolymers, extracsion, films, and edible coatings.

Marly Sayuri Katsuda 
Develops research in the field of Science and Technology of dairy and derivatives, development of dairy products, and technological innovation and quality control of packages.

Mayka Reghiany Pedrão 
Is experienced in the field of Food Science and Technology, focused on Food Biochemistry and Food Raw Materials, acting mainly on the following subjects: quality, sensory analysis, meat products, and food analysis.

Neusa Fatima Seibel 
Is experienced in the field of Food Science and Technology, focused on the utilization of waste for human feeding and functional compounds, isoflavones, and food fibers.


The profile of industries in the region of Londrina is focused on the production of food package, dairy products, slaughterhouses for birds, swine and bovine, oils, drinks, soluble coffee, juices, grains processing and industrialization, cereals and legumes, biscuits and food masses. Therefore, the practices concerning the dissertation activities are developed at the facilities of UTFPR or at the industries to which the research project is bound, as long as both parties agree on it.