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por ksue publicado 22/01/2020 09h58, última modificação 22/01/2020 09h58
Topics of interest and link to Lattes

Alireza Mohebi Ashtiani 
Topics of Research: Optimization, operations research and applied mathematics.

Anderson Piao dos Santos
Topics of Research: Algebraic Topology, Borsuk-Ulam Theorem, Fixed-point Theorem and Topological Coincidence and Fiber bundles Topology.

André Luís Machado Martinez
Topics of Research: Existence of solutions of ordinary differential equations via numerical analysis, mathematical programming methods, optimization applied to engineering problems.

Angelo Aliano Filho
Topics of Research: Operations research, development of exact mathematical methods and algorithms for multi-objective combinatorial optimization, use of such methods in agricultural and production engineering areas

Débora Aparecida Francisco Albanez
Topics of Research: Differential Equations, data assimilation, control theory for time-delay systems.

Douglas Azevedo Sant 'Anna
Topics of Research: Functional Analysis, Riemann Zeta Function, Dirichlet series, Hilbert spaces, analytic number theory, number series and sequences;

Glaucia Maria Bressan
Topics of Research: Applied and computational mathematics, mathematical programming methods, linear optimization, pattern recognition, data mining and artificial intelligence.

Joelmir André Borssoi
Topics of Research: Applied statistics, geostatistics, regression models focused on linear models, linear mixed models and elliptical distribution.

Josimar da Silva Rocha 
Topics of Research: Algebra, discrete mathematics, group theory, combinatorics and graph theory;

Michele Cristina Valentino
Topics of Research: Qualitative analysis of ordinary differential equations and switched systems, numerical analysis of nonlinear systems’ solution via Fuzzy Theory, analysis and control of some Electrical Engineering systems.

Roberto Molina de Souza
Topics of Research: Applied statistics, statistical modeling in everyday life and statistical education;

Thiago Pinguello de Andrade
Topics of Research: Partial differential equations, dispersive equations, stability/instability of solutions, Korteweg-de Vries equation.