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International Cooperation

por ksue publicado 16/01/2020 09h43, última modificação 16/01/2020 09h43
Agreements and Projects



Topics of interest




Paulo Henrique Março

Tampering Detection, Rapid Analysis Methods, Spectroscopy, Chemometrics, Quantification, Validation

EMBRAPA Solos, UEM, Unicamp, Dalhousie University (Canada)

Development and Validation of Multivariate Calibration, Food Tampering Detection, Irregularity Detection and Improvement of Chemometric Methods.

Rapid analysis tools for different matrices, master’s dissertations and doctoral theses with Partner Universities.

Angela Claudia Rodrigues

Analytical Chemistry, focused on food chemistry, gas-liquid chromatography, atomic absorption, physicochemical analysis of food, identification and quantification of fatty acids and minerals in food, optimization in food analysis methods, development of food products.

Joint research project with the faculty of the School of Chemistry of UEM

To evaluate hydrocolloids in gluten-free breads enriched with avocado seed flour

PhD thesis in progress; advisory to scientific initiation, papers in conferences.

Angela Claudia Rodrigues


Joint research project supported by CNPq and company SOORO

To develop alternatives of bovine whey protein use

PPGTA Master's dissertation completed and publication of two scientific papers, advisory to scientific initiation, papers in conferences.

Odinei Hess Gonçalves

Micro and nanoencapsulation of bioactive compounds, characterization of physicochemical and morphological properties of materials, packaging development.

Agreement with national Universities and research institutes

(UFSC, UEM, UEL, Unipampa) and international ones (Instituto Politécnico de Bragança - Portugal)

To obtain food or pharmaceutical products containing encapsulated compounds

Patents filed (BR1020180718169; BR1020170238474; BR1020160209625); scientific papers; qualifying professionals at Undergraduate and Graduate levels.

Eliane Colla

Fermentation and enzymatic processes, process optimization, biofuels production from algal and vegetable biomass, protein and carbohydrate extraction from algal and vegetable biomass, antimicrobial activity of biocompounds.


In partnership with national Universities (Universidade de Passo Fundo/UPF, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande/FURG), and international ones (Instituto Politécnico de Bragança/IPB - Portugal).



Luciana Furlaneto Maia

Antimicrobial peptides and metabolites production for control of foodborne pathogens, development of low cost means for production of bacteriocins, use of molecular techniques for detecting genes involved in resistance and virulence in foodborne pathogens.

Agreement with UEL


Advisory and co-advisory to Master’s dissertation. Co-advisory to Doctoral program. Joint publication. Patent application BR 10 2018 068214 8)

Evandro Bona

Chemometrics and rapid methods of analysis of food matrices: spectroscopy, electrochemistry (electronic tongues and noses), rapid sensory profiling techniques.

Research agreement with UEL, UEM, IAPAR and IPB (Portugal).

To develop and use rapid methods for the analysis of coffee, teff, moringa oleifera, wheat and honey.

Advisory to scientific initiation, Master’s and Doctoral programs. Scientific papers, book chapters, papers in conferences, software license registration and development of equipment for low cost analysis.

Rafae Porto Ineu

Nanotoxicity of encapsulated bioactive compounds using Drosophila melanogaster as an alternative biological model in in silico, in vitro, in vivo and ex vivo tests.

Agreement with UFSM, Unipampa, UEM, UFSC, UNOESTE, IPB (Portugal)

To conduct experiments with techniques not yet used by PPGTA. To strengthening partnerships to qualify professionals and improve publications.

Publication of papers in conferences, scientific papers in international journals

Advisory to scientific initiation and Master’s program.

Standardization of techniques.

Manuel Salvador Vicente Plata Oviedo

Starch and cereal science and technology. Microencapsulation of compounds for technological purposes. Prospecting for vegetable products as brewing clarifiers.

1- In partnership with Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina - Peru e ESALQ-USP: starch characterization. 2- Laboratório de Cereais, Raízes e Tubérculos da FEA-UNICAMP: Bakery and starch modification by organic acids.

3- Laboratório de Bioprocessos da UNESP-São José do Rio Preto.

1-To characterize and modify starch from Peruvian roots, tubers and pseudocereal for technological use.

2- Microencapsulated fruit extracts bakery ingredients and products obtained from the modification of starches as brewing clarifiers.

3- Modification of vegetable by-products as brewing clarifiers.

1- Publication of papers in conferences. 2- Professor of FEA-UNICAMP as co-advisor and partnership with research Project from CNPq, papers in conferences. 3- Co-advisory to Doctoral program.

Ailey Aparecida Coelho Tanamati

Physicochemical analysis of food; Analytical chemistry; Analysis of oils and fats and oxidation compounds;



Advisory to scientific initiation and Master’s program.

Renata Hernandez Barros Fuchs

Food sensory analysis; Functional foods.



Advisory to scientific initiation and co-advisory to Master’s program.

Cristiane Canan

Meat and processed meat. Evaluation of bioactive compounds for their antimicrobial and antioxidant capacity.

In partnership with Unioeste, at campus Toledo, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança/IPB - Portugal. Projects supported by Cooperativa Agroindustrial Lar.

- Production of protein hydrolysates from fish or poultry by-products.

- Poultry Meat Quality Assessment 

Advisory to scientific initiation and Master’s program. Co-advisory to Master’s and Doctoral programs.

Marinês Paula Corso

Evaluation of bioactive compounds for their antioxidant capacity on coffee. Meat and processed meat. Processed coffee.



Advisory to scientific initiation and Master’s program. Co-advisory to Master’s and Doctoral programs.

Deisy Alessandra Drunkler

Milk and dairy processing.
 Pro, pre and symbiotic.

In partnership with UNIOESTE at Campus Toledo and Cascavel.


Advisory to scientific initiation and Master’s program. Co-advisory to Doctoral program, scientific paper, book chapter, papers in conferences, software license registration and patent application.