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publicado 14/09/2017 12h24, última modificação 25/05/2018 17h08


Known as ‘High City’, Apucarana was designed in 1934 by the ‘Companhia de Terras do Norte do Paraná’ and colonized to be one of the agricultural poles of cities like Londrina and Maringá. Today, recognized as the National Cap Capital, it is responsible for 80% of the national production of the accessory. It is also a center for the production and industrialization of corn derivatives that supplies several cities in the country, and a center of leather industrialization, responsible for almost all the export of this product in the state of Paraná. UTFPR Apucarana was founded in 2007 and offers six undergraduate programs, including four in the area of engineering - Textiles, Chemistry, Civil and Electrical -, Chemistry and Fashion Design, as well as graduate programs.

Contact for International Relations at UTFPR Apucarana: Wierly Barboza



Founded in 1947, Campo Mourão was famous among people from Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina states for the fertility of the land. Predominantly agricultural, the city stands out in the production of soy and corn and hosts the headquarters of Coamo, the main brazilian agro industry cooperative and largest cooperative in Latin America. Currently, UTFPR Campo Mourão is expanding and has more than two thousand students. It offers seven undergraduate courses, as well as specialization and master programs.

Contact for International Relations at UTFPR Campo Mourão: Fernando Valderrama



The city inherited the name of Colonel Cornélio Procópio de Araújo Carvalho, patron of a rail station near the location, at the end of the 19th century, during the Empire, which marks the economic expansion of the region. The economy is diversified, with emphasis on the services and industrial sector, with companies in the food, textile and mechanical areas. UTFPR Cornélio Procópio has eight undergraduate programs, mainly in the area of engineering, and specialization, extension and graduate programs. It also has a Technological Hotel and Innovation Incubator, interacting with companies in the productive sector and contributing to the growth of the labor market.

Contact for International Relations at UTFPR Cornélio Procópio: Valeria Costa



Capital of the state of Paraná, Curitiba was founded in 1693 and currently has more than 2 million inhabitants. There is a cultural multiplicity, due to the immigrants, mainly european, who during the 20th century, were incorporated into the daily life of the city. Known for its wide streets, Curitiba is internationally awarded in urban management, environment and urban transportation. UTFPR Curitiba already has three venues in the city: Centro, Ecoville and Neoville. It has a physical space of 25 thousand square meters available and offers technical courses, undergraduate, graduate, research programs, with specific laboratories and equipment for activities in which students may need tools and space, and various extension activities.

Contact for International Relations at UTFPR Curitiba: Paula Seciuk



Founded in 1961, but inhabited in the last century by explorers and ‘tropeiros’, Dois Vizinhos is prominent in the industry and state pole in metal, mechanics and confections. It is also worth mentioning by the largest milk basin in the region, by its agribusiness and poultry sector, that has the largest production and slaughter of poultry in Latin America, having won the title of International Capital of Poultry from One Foods, the largest employer of the city. UTFPR Dois Vizinhos offers seven undergraduate programs related to the region's economy, such as Agronomy, Zootechnics, Rural Education, Forest Engineering, Bioprocess Engineering and Biotechnology, Software Engineering and Biological Sciences. Also offers master degrees in Animal Science, Agroecosystems and Biotechnology.

Contact for International Relations at UTFPR Dois Vizinhos: Raquel Ponzoni, Schelli Bernardi



Founded in 1952, Francisco Beltrão was originally inhabited by people of Italian and German descent from Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina. It’s one of the fastest growing cities on the southwest of Paraná, and has the significant presence of agricultural and livestock farming companies at the region. UTFPR Francisco Beltrão offers four undergraduate programs and two masters.

Contact for International Relations at UTFPR Francisco Beltrão: Carina Lignau



Known for its ethnic diversity, from quilombos and indigenous reserves, to immigrants and descendants of europeans, Guarapuava, founded in 1810, stands out due to the wood industry, chemistry companies and agroindustry. The region is also known for the production of “erva mate”, the base product of the ‘chimarrão’. UTFPR Guarapuava offers four undergraduate courses: Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Technology in Industrial Maintenance  and  Technology in Systems for Internet.

Contact for International Relations at UTFPR Guarapuava: Juliana Giboski



Londrina is a municipality located in the north region of Paraná. The city was founded in 1934 and colonized by England. The name was given in honor of London, because Londrina means 'little London', due to the presence of the haze, similar to the one of the English capital. Today, the city is considered an important pole of economic development, mainly in commerce, services and agribusiness. UTFPR Londrina was opened in 2007 and now offers seven undergraduate programs, as well as graduate, qualification and specialization.

Contact for International Relations at UTFPR Londrina: Amelia Terrile



Medianeira, which means "in the middle", is located in the west of Paraná, between Foz do Iguaçu and Cascavel. The name, which is also a tribute to a Saint, Nossa Senhora Medianeira de Todas as Graças, was given by a group of devout colonizers. The city was once a district of Foz do Iguaçu, and today it has its economic base in the agroindustrial sector. In addition, the city is part of the ‘Municípios Lindeiros ao Lago do Itaipu’, which are bathed by the waters of the lake that was formed after the construction of the Itaipu Hydroelectric Power Plant. UTFPR Medianeira has accomplished projects of environmental relevance developed by students and teachers with Itaipu Binacional and other partners.

Contact for International Relations at UTFPR Medianeira: Rafael Arioli



Founded in 1951, Pato Branco is known as the Paraná Southwest Capital. The city borders Santa Catarina and is about 100 kilometers from Argentina, in a strategic position to Mercosul. The city has the economy based in commerce, services and agribusiness sectors, and also has about 100 industries of software and electronic components in the area. The city also has digital inclusion programs and is considered one of the most developed cities in Paraná. UTFPR Pato Branco has ​​more than 300 thousand square meters handed over by the city hall and has technical, undergraduate and graduate programs.

Contact for International Relations at UTFPR Pato Branco: Cassia Belokurows



Also known as ‘Princesa dos Campos’, Ponta Grossa is the fourth most populated city of Paraná and has the largest industrial park in the countryside of the state. The city has industries in several branches such as livestock, agribusiness, lumber, metallurgy, industrial automation, food and textiles. Many significant industrial plants are installed in the city such as Ambev, Madero, MARS, Makita, Heineken, Continental, Tetra Pak, Sadia and others. It also has, in the Industrial District, the largest grain storage complex in Brazil, besides being a strategic geographical position that guarantees proximity to ports, airports and neighboring countries. Currently, another industrial complex is developing in the northern region of Ponta Grossa with food and automotive industries. UTFPR Ponta Grossa offers four technology courses, seven engineering programs, eight masters and two doctoral programs.

Contact for International Relations at UTFPR Ponta Grossa: Nadia Kovaleski, Regina Pagani



On the banks of the Paraná River, the city of Santa Helena was founded in 1967 and colonized by a contingent of englishmen who explored wood and mate. In 1982, with the formation of Itaipu Lake, one-third of its territory was flooded, which gave it the name of ‘Terra das Águas’ and awakened a vocation for tourism, due to its well structured and frequented river beach. With this, it managed to significantly expand its agricultural and industrial base. UTFPR Santa Helena was opened in 2013 and currently offers two undergraduate programs, Computer Science and Biological Sciences.

Contact for International Relations at UTFPR Santa Helena: Vera Vasilevski



Recognized as the Capital of the Agribusiness in Paraná, the city of Toledo has fertile and flat soil, which attracts the industries of the branch. It is one of the largest grain producers in the countryside of the state. UTFPR Toledo was opened in 2007 and now offers seven undergraduate programs: Technology in Chemical Processes, Technology in Systems for Internet, Civil Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Bioprocess and Biotechnology Engineering, Computer Engineering and Mathematics, as well a masters degree and professional qualification courses.

Contact for International Relations at UTFPR Toledo: