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Webinar: The Challenges of Connectivity in Smart Cities

publicado 25/06/2022 12h48, última modificação 25/06/2022 12h48
de 09h00 até 11h00
(America/Sao_Paulo / UTC-300)
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Quando? quinta-feira, 30/06/2022 as 9:15h
Onde? https://youtu.be/grGGFZaw0zg

How should smart cities be planned to become more resilient, efficient, and livable? What role will connectivity play in this technological and social transformation?

Connectivity is becoming central to the smartness of service delivery in cities. Mobility, provision of energy and water, and disaster prevention are some of the functions that can be improved with increased connectivity. Beyond the efficiency of physical infrastructure, connectivity can also enhance citizen participation, engaging and promoting inclusion. These opportunities depend on the proper development and management of infrastructure, tools for data collection and analysis, and access to information. Rules and regulations for the development of both hardware, software, and data processing are essential to guarantee the benefits of interconnectivity and ensure the robustness and integrity of systems operations in a smart city. Meet partners of the cooperation between Sweden and Brazil to discuss the challenges of connectivity and learn how they are being addressed in the City of Curitiba in Brazil. Curitiba has collaborated with Swedish partners since 2013 with the initiative Smart City Concepts. Present activities explore solutions in the interface between infrastructure for connectivity, mobility, and energy while also exploring the opportunities for enhanced citizen participation.

Please, register with the link: https://cutt.ly/webinar-utfpr-smart-cities

The broadcast will be available on: https://youtu.be/grGGFZaw0zg