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Actions Held by CALEM

publicado 17/07/2017 13h57, última modificação 17/07/2017 13h57
Workshop; Course; Classes; Seminar; Seminar.

WORSHOPFor Instructors of English Schools from Apucarana -  April, 2014.

COURSE: American Cultures for Community and Teachers from state Schools and from Language Institutes - April, 2014.

CLASSES  for UTFPR Students of CALEM with the US American Prof. Stephen Holland-Wempe from the UMKC (University of Missouri – Kansas City) – April, 2014. 

SEMINAR presented by the Student André Plath about his Experience at the University of Buffalo - NY - USA  - June, 2015.  

SEMNIAR introduced by Student Guilherme Plath about his Experience ate the University of Germaney - June, 2015.